Thursday, January 16, 2014


Zombie we know now is that the creature is dead then alive again and haunt haunt people. It's creepy when a lot of movies - Hollywood movies show scenes where the zombies will always hunt man he met. Even the zombies that we know in a few films must be destroyed before the brain to the zombie can die. What do zombies have no pain and he did not cry when your hands or feet cut off? From the confused - just listen completely baffled middling from which and how initially until people - people began to popularize this type of western ghost. Practitioners supernatural (Shaman Voodoo) on the Caribbean island of Haiti, practicing spells - a dimension that supposedly they can revive the dying then making zombies. The purpose of them do it because they will make slaves. Of course this is very advantageous because they will have unpaid workers.

In 1962, a man died mysteriously. He named Clairvius Narcisse. Why mysterious? Because he is said to have been buried. But after that a lot of people who saw him wandering. People discovered that he had found the half-dead or too often we call zombies. It turned out he was a slave in the sugar plantation owned by a Shaman. Reportedly the Clairivius zombies wandering amid the putrid since his master died and then eventually found by a citizen.

An expert ethnobiological, Dr. Wade Davis of Harvard University tried researching the truth. He went to Haiti to get the data from the voodoo shaman there. Dr.. Wade Davis was informed that to make humans into zombies is to make them 'do not remember anything' or mad by paralyzing their nervous using a special potion. In addition they also lower the body temperature and slow the heart rate of the victim to be used as a zombie.

The potion is made from frog skin type and fish Fugo bufo (a type of puffer fish). Contain toxins that will make the victim lose the pain (the effects are stronger than cocaine), lowers body temperature and blood pressure. If the dose is too much it is not likely the victim will be in a coma. Coupled with datura (Jimson weed type) which has the Latin name brugmansia candida. Contains chemical compounds that can cause amnesia victim. The dose that is too much will cause paralysis and even death victims.

The conclusion must tell the truth - is necessary to know the amount of material doses can make people into zombies. Of course voodoo shaman is a member if he is able to estimate dosages.

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