Tuesday, January 28, 2014


In the area there Kelud way that seems to defy gravity mysterious. The road caught our attention because it shows anti-gravity properties. At this point, strangely, all things look to defy the laws of physics. How to hill shows the reaction of anti-gravity? Simply put a tin can, a bottle, or any objects that shaped the ball on the ground in the places of this mysterious. You can sit back and watch it slowly and continuously the object ascend to the top. Apparently unexplained phenomena can be found even more frequently when someone parked a car at places like that and then get the vehicle rolling away mysteriously. Even the water in the ditches along the road is seen flowing in the wrong direction.

Some people claim that initially some strange way this is found in areas of gravitational irregularities or absence of a magnetic attraction generated by the tremendous amount of ferrous material near the volcano. But often times questionable, objects that are interested in general is immune to magnetic attraction (such as rubber balls, glass bottles, and so on). Of course there are others who propose a more supernatural explanation. Local residents often take advantage of this odd places, often used to lure tourists, hoping they easily become victims of a local legend. Aside from the seemingly strange phenomenon, this magical slope (or at least most of it) has a lot more explanation relating to land compared to magnetic basement or mischievous ghosts.

Often found the location of this vision is simply a misleading ( it is apparent horizon line and the area around the structure to create a " magical slope " seems to be more skewed than the actual existence ). Thus causing passers-by thought that the hill climb, despite the fact that down. Place " supernatural " is often exhibit a slope that deceive the senses of sight, but can be explained rationally by using a horizontal measuring instrument ( called water pass by construction workers ). In this illusion  objects that seem to roll " up the hill " certainly follow the known laws of physics, such as the bubble equilibrium ( in the middle position, not inclined to one side ) that is displayed on a horizontal measuring device ( water pass ). But it seems our eyes deceive us still continue even after the evidence has shown, some people are still asking whether the bubble tool itself may be regulated by the generosity of magical powers.

Still remember guns symptoms due to gravity power curve of the earth's shape and the presence of high density which becomes a source of attraction? Symptoms that lead to uneven sea level on Earth.

Cars moving up without the engine. Surely one of the highlights here is whether there is gravity or the magnetic pull the car so there is nothing to say and declare that the body can rise above the car without an engine? These symptoms are recognized've observed many many places. Some say there is in Arabic, but I've never seen it. Also there is no Kelud in East Java to attract even Geophysics Mathematics ITS to prove it.

I'm interested in that has been investigated by my colleagues Mr. Seno (Lecturer in Geophysics) and Mr. Amin (Lecturer in Civil Engineering) from the ITS, as he stated both cars running up in the mystery Kelud no evidence of magnetic force so that the car goes up. Even Mr Amien had stated the road was actually tilted 5% decrease in the direction of movement of the car. Mr Amien-Way also stated in Kelud Mystery Turns Only Illusion.

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